Meditative Yoga Coach
- 100hr Yin Yoga Teacher Training:
Chinese Medicine & Functional Anatomy with Nicky Hadjithoma 2020
- Reiki First Degree Certified
Her Story
Unlike most of her fellow yoga practitioners, Phoebe didn’t fall in love with yoga at first sight. Having said that, yoga indeed helps her along the way. She gained strengths in the asana practice. She found internal light during meditation. She feels this strong connection with the world in each breath. She became a better runner, a better daughter and a better person.
With the completion of her first yoga teacher training in Yin Yoga in 2020, she is now on the way to achieve her certificate in RYT-200. With her yinfusioned workout style, she aims to encourage those who don't like sports to regain their inner power and take control of their body.
Contact Us
3A, Luen On House, 6-7 Wo On Lane, Central, HK
What'sApp: 852-46887241
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